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Crack the Click Code: 10 Strategies You Need to Try!

More clicks = more conversions. Start with these email optimizations.

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Craving more clicks from your emails? We’ve all been there. Whether you're sending out your latest campaign or that all-important promo email, low click rates can be a real buzzkill. But fear not! With the right tactics, you can turn those lukewarm campaigns into click magnets. Here’s how to get more eyes (and fingers) on your CTAs.

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Maintain Healthy Email List Habits by Segmenting

Maintaining a healthy email list is essential for strong deliverability. Regularly clean your list by removing unengaged subscribers before they can mark your emails as spam. This practice helps ensure that your emails reach the intended recipients more reliably.

Segment your list based on engagement—the more people click on your emails, the better your deliverability rates become. Klaviyo’s segmentation tools allow for detailed targeting based on factors such as list membership, proximity to a location, and user behaviours like web browsing and purchase history. 

For instance, Tata Harper Skincare improved their open and click rates by leveraging engagement data and targeting strategic segments such as 30-day engaged customers, active contacts, Loyalty members, and VIP customers.

Using Klaviyo’s audience breakdown report can further enhance your campaigns. This feature helps you see which segments are most engaged, which have the highest conversion rates, and which are underperforming.

Start at the Subject Line

Your subject line sets the expectation for your email content. It must be consistent with what’s inside to build trust and avoid losing subscribers.

Best Practices:

  • Personalise subject lines with the reader’s first name or recent activities.

  • Include discounts or offers in the subject line if applicable.

  • Use preview text to provide additional value or tease content.

  • Keep subject lines short and concise.

  • Conduct A/B tests to determine what resonates best.

Recent Klaviyo research supports these practices, showing that longer subject lines generally result in lower open rates.

Create a Content Test

Click-to-open rate (CTOR) measures how many people clicked a link in an email, based on those who opened it. It’s an effective way to evaluate your email content’s appeal.

Testing Strategies:

  • Ensure CTAs are prominent and clearly visible.

  • Test variables such as the colour or placement of CTA buttons and the type of imagery used.

  • Experiment with different content strategies and offers.

Best Practices:

  • Schedule A/B tests to randomised groups at the same time.

  • Keep email formatting consistent to avoid skewed results.

  • If using SMS, ensure it complements your email content without duplicating it.

Pro Tip: Properly track link performance to avoid low click rates caused by linking to non-relevant pages.

Ensure Mobile Optimization

With most people reading emails on their phones, it’s crucial to design for mobile. Make sure your emails look good and function well on small screens.

Key Points:

  • Font Size: Use a size that’s easy to read on mobile devices.

  • Layout: Ensure text and images are appropriately arranged.

  • CTAs: Make buttons big enough to tap easily.

Example: AG Jeans' email is optimised for mobile, allowing users to see the content clearly and act on the CTA without needing to scroll excessively.

Place CTAs Strategically

The placement and design of your CTAs are pivotal in driving clicks. Ensure your primary CTA is prominently displayed and clearly communicates the desired action. Use the “squint test” to check if your CTA stands out.

Nichelle Hubley, Founder and CEO of & BAM, advises ensuring that CTAs are visually distinct and easy to identify. For emails with multiple CTAs, establish a clear hierarchy to guide recipients on their next steps.

Jones Road Beauty implements a clear CTA hierarchy, directing users to specific product categories and using descriptive yet concise language to avoid clutter and confusion.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Encouraging immediate action can boost click rates. Highlight limited-time offers or low-stock alerts to prompt quick responses. However, avoid creating false urgency, as it can damage customer trust.

Born Primitive uses clear, urgent messaging to motivate customers to act quickly. Alternatively, you can use subtle urgency by emphasising product availability or other compelling reasons to prompt action.

BABOON TO THE MOON uses a more understated approach, informing customers about restocked items in a way that conveys timeliness without being overtly urgent.

Optimise Send Times

Timing can greatly impact your email click rates. Test different send times to find when your audience is most likely to engage.

Brandon Matis, Founder of Luxor Marketing, suggests A/B testing send times to optimise your email schedule. Adjust the frequency of your sends based on engagement levels to maximise effectiveness.

Personalise Automated Flows

Automated email flows, tailored to user behaviour, can significantly improve click rates. Personalised content, such as abandoned cart reminders, is highly relevant and effective in driving clicks.

Tennessee Allgood, former Lifecycle Marketing Senior Manager at Stak Agency, emphasises the value of personalisation in automated flows. Customised emails based on user data enhance engagement and boost click rates.

Expand Your Segmentation

To enhance deliverability and open rates, start by focusing on engaged segments. However, attracting opens is only the beginning; your content must also resonate to drive clicks.

  • Expand your segments by adding criteria such as customer interests, location, and demographics.

  • For example, if you’re announcing a new store opening, target subscribers in that specific area, like Boston.

  • Similarly, tailor your campaigns for specific genders or age groups, or offer exclusive deals to VIP customers.

Include Incentives

Incentives like discounts, free shipping, or special offers can boost click rates. Make sure your incentives are varied and relevant to keep your audience engaged.


  • Avoid Repetition: Don’t send the same incentives too frequently.

  • Be Creative: Keep your offers fresh and aligned with subscriber interests.

Tip: Adjust your incentive strategies based on recent changes in pricing or discount levels.

Ready to turn these tips into action? It’s time to get more clicks, conversions, and applause-worthy open rates. Your emails deserve to be clicked—so let’s make it happen!

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